If you pay for care for a dependent and have earned income, you
should consider the benefits of the dependent care credit and dependent care
flexible spending account.
For an expense to qualify for the dependent care credit, it must
be an "employment-related" expense, i.e., it must enable you and your
spouse to work, and it must be for the care an eligible dependent, who's under
13, lives in your home for over half the year, and doesn't provide over half of
his or her own support for the year. It could also be for the care of your
spouse or dependent who's handicapped and lives with you for over half the
The typical expenses that qualify for the credit are payments to
a day-care center, nanny, or nursery school. Sleep-away camp doesn't qualify.
The cost of first grade or above doesn't qualify. The rules on kindergartens
aren't clearly defined.
To claim the credit, you and your spouse must file a joint
return. You must provide the care-giver's name, address, and social security
number (or tax ID number if it's a day-care center or nursery school).
You also must include on the return the social security number
of the children who receive the care. Omission of the social security numbers
while still claiming the credit will result in a summary assessment of tax
liability against you.
Several limits apply. First, qualifying expenses are limited to
the income you or your spouse earns from work, using the amount for whoever of
the two earns less. If one of you has no earned income, you won't be entitled
to any credit. However, under certain conditions, when one spouse has no actual
earned income and is a full-time student or disabled, that spouse is considered
to have monthly income of $250 (if the couple has one qualifying child) or $500
(two or more qualifying children).
Next, qualifying expenses can't exceed $3,000 per year if you
have one qualifying child, or $6,000 per year for two or more. In most cases,
this dollar limit will set the ceiling for you. Note that if your employer has
a dependent care assistance program under which you receive benefits excluded
from gross income, the dollar limits ($3,000 or $6,000) are reduced by the
excludable amounts you receive.
Finally, the credit will be computed as a percentage of your
qualifying expenses-in most cases, 20%. (If your joint adjusted gross income is
$43,000 or less, the percentage will be higher, but not above 35%.)
Lyle and Ellen both work, and place their son in a day-care center. Lyle earns
$114,000 but Ellen earns only $6,000. They spend $8,500 on day care. The earned
income limitation discussed above limits the qualifying expenses to $6,000,
Ellen's earned income. The dollar limitation limits them further to $3,000.
Twenty percent of this amount is $600 and that's their dependent care credit.
(If the expenses were for two or more children, their credit would be $1,200,
20% of the $6,000 dollar limit.)
Note that a credit reduces your tax
bill dollar for dollar. Thus, in the above example, Lyle and Ellen pay $600
less in taxes by virtue of the credit.

If your marginal tax rate is more than 15%, participating in the
FSA is more advantageous than taking the dependent care credit. This is because
the exclusion from income under the FSA gives a tax benefit at your highest tax
rate, while the credit rate for taxpayers with AGI over $43,000 is limited to
In addition to a federal income tax savings, participating in a
dependent care FSA will result in savings on FICA (social security) taxes,
because the amount contributed to the FSA isn't included in wages for FICA
purposes. Consequently, you may save up to 7.65% of the amount contributed to
the dependent care FSA, depending upon your income and the FICA tax wage base
for the year in which the contribution is made.
If your marginal rate is 15% or less, taking the credit may be
more advantageous than participating in the FSA. In making the choice, you must
consider the effect of the earned income credit, the refundable child tax
credit, and Social Security tax.
It should also be noted that residents of some states can save
on their state income tax by taking advantage of the dependent care credit or
an employer's dependent care FSA.
There are three drawbacks to dependent care FSAs. First, money
is deposited in an FSA on a "use it or lose it" basis. If you don't
incur dependent care expenses that equal or exceed the amount you deposit in
the FSA, you forfeit the surplus. In addition, once you elect to participate in
an FSA, and elect the amount withheld, with limited exceptions, you may not
change your election. Finally, it often takes several weeks to receive
reimbursement for the expenses submitted.
We hope the above clarifies the essential elements of the
dependent care credit and dependent care FSAs. If your employer offers a
dependent care FSA, we would be more than happy to prepare a comparison of the
savings the FSA would afford you with the tax savings afforded by the dependent
care credit.
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