As a parent of a college-age child, your goal is to pay for
current or imminent college bills. We would like to address this concern by
suggesting several approaches that seek to take maximum advantage of tax
benefits to minimize your expenses. (Please note that the following suggestions
are strictly related to tax benefits. You may have non-tax-related concerns
that make the suggestions inappropriate.)
Tuition tax credits. You can take an American Opportunity tax credit (AOTC) of up to
$2,500 per student for the first four years of college-a 100% credit for the
first $2,000 in tuition, fees, and books, and a 25% credit for the second
$2,000. You can take a Lifetime Learning credit of up to $2,000 per family for
every additional year of college or graduate school-a 20% credit for up to
$10,000 in tuition and fees.
Both credits are phased out for higher-income taxpayers. The
American Opportunity tax credit is phased out for couples with income between
$160,000 and $180,000, and for singles with income between $80,000 and $90,000.
The Lifetime Learning credit is phased out (for 2017) for couples with income
between $112,000 and $132,000, and for singles with income between $56,000 and
$66,000. The phase-out range for the Lifetime Learning credit is adjusted
annually for inflation.
Only one credit can be claimed for the same student in any given
Statement from institution required before tuition credits or
qualified tuition deduction can be claimed. To claim the tuition tax credits, a taxpayer must receive a
Form 1098-T payee statement from the educational institution. For purposes of
this requirement, if a person the taxpayer claims as a dependent receives the
Form 1098-T, the statement is treated as received by the taxpayer.
Scholarships. Scholarships are exempt from income tax, if certain conditions
are satisfied. The most important are that the scholarship must not be
compensation for services, and it must be used for tuition, fees, books,
supplies, and similar items (and not for room and board). Scholarships used for room and board would be
taxable to the student.
Although a scholarship is tax-free, it will reduce the amount of
expenses that may be taken into account in computing the American Opportunity
and Lifetime Learning credits, above, and may therefore reduce or eliminate
those credits.

Tuition reduction plans for employees of educational
Tax-exempt educational institutions sometimes provide tuition reductions for
their employees' children who attend that educational institution, or cash
tuition payments for children who attend other educational institutions. If
certain requirements are satisfied, these tuition reductions are exempt from
income tax.
College expense payments by grandparents and others. If someone other than you pays your child's college
expenses, the person making the payments is generally subject to the gift tax,
to the extent the payments and other gifts to the child by that person exceed
the regular annual (per donee) gift tax exclusion of $14,000 for 2017. Married
donors who consent to split gifts may exclude gifts of up to $28,000 for 2017.
However, if the other person pays your child's school tuition
directly to an educational institution, there's an unlimited exclusion from the
gift tax for the payment. The relationship between the person paying the
tuition and the person on whose behalf the payments are made is irrelevant.
The unlimited gift tax exclusion applies only to direct tuition
costs. There's no exclusion (beyond the normal annual exclusion) for dormitory
fees, board, books, supplies, etc. Prepaid tuition payments may qualify for the
unlimited gift tax exclusion under certain circumstances.
Student loans. You can deduct interest on qualifying loans used to pay for college
education expenses. The maximum deduction is $2,500. However, the deduction
phases out for taxpayers who are married filing jointly with AGI between $135,000
and $165,000 (between $65,000 and $80,000 for single filers).
Bank loans. In
order to take the student loan interest deduction, the loan must be a “qualifying”
student loan. Therefore, interest on
non-qualifying bank student loans will be nondeductible. However, if you use a
home equity loan, the interest is deductible for regular income tax purposes (although
not for alternative minimum tax purposes). Interest on home equity debt would
be reported on Schedule A.
Borrowing against retirement plan accounts. Many company retirement plans permit participants to
borrow cash. This option may be an attractive alternative to a bank loan,
especially if your other debt burden is high. However, the loan must carry an
interest rate equal to the prevailing commercial rate for similar loans, and,
unless you qualify for the deduction for education loan interest (described
above), there's no deduction for the personal interest paid. Moreover, unless
strict requirements are satisfied, a loan against a retirement account is
treated as a premature distribution (withdrawal) that's subject to regular
income tax and an additional penalty tax.
Withdrawals from retirement plan accounts. IRAs and qualified retirement plans represent the
largest cash resource of many taxpayers. You can pull money out of your IRA
(including a Roth IRA) at any time to pay college costs without incurring the
10% early withdrawal penalty that usually applies to withdrawals from an IRA
before age 59½. However, the distributions are subject to tax under the usual
rules for IRA distributions.
Not all of the above breaks may be used in the same year, and
use of some of them reduces the amounts that qualify for other breaks. So it
takes planning to determine which should be used in any given situation. If you
would like to discuss one or more of the above payment possibilities, or any
other alternatives, in more detail, please contact us.
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