As year-end approaches, taxpayers generally are faced with a
number of choices that can save taxes this year, next year or both years. Employees
have some special considerations to take into account that retirees and other nonworking
individuals don't face. To help our clients who are employees take advantage of
these special tax saving opportunities, we have put together a list of items to
Health flexible spending accounts. Many employees take advantage of the annual
opportunity to save taxes by placing funds in their employer's health flexible
spending arrangement (health FSA). A pre-tax contribution of $2,600 to a health
FSA is the current limit. You save taxes because you use pre-tax dollars in the
health FSA to pay for medical expenses that might not otherwise be deductible
(due to not itemizing, or due to a portion being nondeductible because of the
10% adjusted gross income floor). Additionally, the amounts that you contribute
to a health FSA are not subject to FICA taxes. This would allow you to save
$199 in FICA taxes alone, on a health FSA contribution of $2,600. You would
save an additional $520 in income taxes based on an effective income tax rate
of 20%. Total annual tax savings would equal $719 ($199 + $520).
Your plan should have a listing of qualifying items and any
documentation from a medical provider that may be needed to get a reimbursement
for these items.
To avoid any forfeiture of your health FSA funds because of
application of the use-it-or-lose-it rule, you must incur qualifying medical
expenditures by the last day of the plan year, unless the plan allows an
optional grace period. Any grace period cannot extend beyond the 15th day of
the third month following the close of the plan year (e.g., March 15 for a
calendar year plan), so, if the plan allows a grace period, qualifying medical
expenses that you incur through that date can be reimbursed using your
prior-year health FSA account. An additional exception to the use-it-or lose-it
rule permits health FSAs to allow a carryover of a participant's unused health
FSA moneys, up to a $500 (or lower plan) maximum.
As a cautionary note, if you or your spouse intend to
participate in a high deductible health plan (HDHP) in 2018, your participation
in a health FSA may hamper your ability to contribute to a health savings
account (HSA).
Examining your year-to-date expenditures now will also help you
to determine how much to set aside for next year. Don't forget to reflect any
changed circumstances in making your calculation.

However, like health FSAs, dependent care FSAs are subject to
the use-it-or lose it rule, but neither the grace period nor the up-to-$500
forfeiture exception applies. Thus, now is a good time to review expenditures
to date and to project amounts to be set aside for next year.
Adjustments to federal and state withholding. You can ask your employer to increase withholding of
federal and/or state and local taxes by amending your federal and/or state
withholding forms before year-end if a) you expect to owe federal and/or state and
local income taxes when you file your return next year (this will pull the
deduction of those taxes into this year) or b) if you face a penalty for
underpayment of estimated tax and you want to eliminate or reduce it. If you
become married or single in 2017, or have added or lost a dependent, you should
be sure to provide your employer with an updated federal and state tax
withholding form that reflects the new filing status or changed exemptions. Be
sure to review your withholding if you hold multiple jobs, you and your spouse
both work, or you can be claimed as a dependent by another person.
Increase 401(k) contributions. The pre-tax and Roth 401(k) contribution limit for 2017 is
$18,000. Employees age 50 or older by year-end are also permitted to make an
additional contribution of $6,000, for a total limit of $24,000 in 2017. If
your employer makes a matching contribution to your contribution, your total
retirement savings will increase even faster. Review and make appropriate
adjustments to the contributions you make to your employer's 401(k) retirement
plan for the remainder of this year, and next year. It's also a good idea to
review your investment elections, and their periodic performance. Keep in mind
the amount you need to save for the age at which you plan to retire and
consider seeing a financial planner to set, and keep to, your savings goals.
Make Roth IRA contributions. The ability to make a Roth IRA contribution (which is a special
after-tax contribution) continues even if you're participating in an employer
savings plan (like a 401(k)), so it is not subject to the "active
participant" rules that may prevent employees who participate in an
employer plan from making a deductible contribution to a traditional IRA. The
benefit of the Roth IRA is that the earnings on the IRA will not be taxable to
you on distribution (provided, generally, that distributions of income are made
to you after you attain age 59 1/2). You are allowed to withdraw contributions
you have previously made at any time without penalty. The 2017 Roth contribution limit is $5,500,
rising to $6,500 if you're age 50 or older by the end of 2017. Your ability to
make a Roth IRA contribution in 2017 will be reduced if your adjusted gross
income (AGI) in 2017 exceeds a certain amount, which is dependent upon your
filing status.
Be on the watch for 2018 plan
election forms to be coming from your employer.
If you would like to discuss any of these matters in greater detail,
please contact us.